Hunting rooks, rabbits or big antelope, we want to find out where the bullet goes and what it does. Airgunners, big game hunters and anyone who owns a shotgun will find plenty to watch in this week's Fieldsports Britain. Roy Lupton shows how to choose the best zero for your airgun - and then he goes on safari round his garden, looking for corvids, rabbits and feral pigeons. We are in Namibia with Zeiss, Norma and Blaser Safaris to look at what bullet works best on an Alcelaphus bucelaphus (that's a topi or hartebeest to your man in the field). And if that weren't enough, are you about to have your local police firearm liaison officer round for a home visit? Those clever lads at Browning show where's best to site your gun safe. Plus News Stump and Hunting YouTube. Go on - there's nothing else on telly this evening...