This is probably the most awesome proposal ever

2017-12-15 2

This is probably the most awesome proposal ever
By The Diamond Concierge
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Crying! Video compilation of the best and most romantic marriage proposals ever!
365 Days
Huge thanks to Dean Smith
Best Marriage Proposal of 2015 (Warning: Will Make You Cry!) - 365 Day Proposal

Guy Falls Off Building
Huge thanks to The Calgarian
Crazy Marriage Proposal - Guy falls off building!!!

Guy Shuts Down Times Square
Movie Trailer
Home Depot Flash Mob
Progue’s Proposal
In Descent
Justin and Emily: The Proposal
Building Lights Proposal

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How do you want your future partner to propose? It’s an intimate moment between two love ones, so we understand how special this next step is for a couple’s relationship. Of course, each couple is different, so you have to put into a lot of thought on how you are going to ask the big question. You want this moment to be shared by your children and grandchildren for the rest of their lives.

However, these days, a simple engagement ring isn’t enough for the next step of a couple’s relationship. Needless to say, you can’t just pop the question in private anymore. You need a perfectly planned video with lots of creativity to propose something big like marriage. How many backup dancers are involved? And did you break out singing Bruno Mars? His song “Marry You” is probably the most used song in a popular marriage proposal video.

Needless to say, the best marriage proposals instantly go viral on YouTube and are shared by millions celebrating love. From flash mobs to movie trailers, you will see everything all in the name of love. You might want to take some notes too because all these marriage proposals will make you laugh and cry!

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