Trump ally and political commentator Roger Stone is reportedly writing a book about the president’s potential removal from office.
Longtime Trump ally and political commentator Roger Stone is reportedly writing a book about the president's potential removal from office.
Stone told Vanity Fair the working title is 'The Fall of Trump' and said, "I've been writing it as we go along." He also revealed that he sees a couple of likely ways his book, and Trump's presidency, could end.
One is linked to the investigation being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller.
"It's painfully obvious Mueller will bring charges. The theory is Mueller will indict [Trump] on some process-related matter," Stone commented. "The only people who don't seem to know it are Ty Cobb, [John] Dowd, and the president."
The other involves Trump being pushed out by his own Cabinet.
In that scenario, the officials invoke the 25th Amendment, ejecting Trump from office by declaring he is unfit to serve.
While Stone characterized Trump's Cabinet at large as lacking loyalty, he specifically mentioned the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, saying she, "stuck a knife in [the president's] back."
Stone was apparently referring to Haley's comments on Sunday's 'Face The Nation.'
"Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with," Haley said in a discussion about the sexual harassment allegations against Trump.
As for the White House's defense that the matter was settled when voters put Trump in office, Haley commented, "I know that he was elected."
"But, you know, women should always feel comfortable coming forward. And we should all be willing to listen to them," she further remarked.
One day after the airing of that segment, a number of women did come forward and, at a press conference, offered detailed accounts of having been "groped, fondled and forcibly kissed " by Trump, notes CNN.
The media outlet also reports that there are no less than 15 such accusations against the president, all of which are said to have occurred before he took office.