Terrorist Groups Vow Bloodshed over Jerusalem Decision. ISIS? Less So.

2017-12-12 1

Terrorist Groups Vow Bloodshed over Jerusalem Decision. ISIS? Less So.
"Or is it a new opportunity for the traders of faith and the fraudulent ones to raise their voices again?" The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, argued
that the focus should instead be on working to defeat the Arab countries ringing Israel, which they say "surround it the same way a bracelet surrounds the wrist, protecting the Jews from the strikes of the mujahideen." Please verify you’re not a robot by clicking the box.
Lawrence said that But he was more concerned, sad and frustrated by the situation in Palestine,
But the outlier was the Islamic State, which waited until Friday to publish an editorial in its weekly newsletter — one
that appeared to be mainly concerned with critiquing what it saw as hypocritical and self-serving statements by other jihadist groups and Arab leaders.
pic.twitter.com/pApxWFehH5 The article published by the Islamic State began: "Sixty years and Jerusalem has been in the hands of the Jews, and it is only now
that people cry when the Crusaders announced today as their capital," according to a translation provided by the Washington-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the group’s propaganda.
The spokesman for the Shabab, Al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, called Mr. Trump’s decision on Jerusalem "an aggression
against Islam." He urged its followers to pick up arms in revenge, according to SITE Intelligence.
Images of Al Aqsa — one of the holiest sites in Islam, which is also revered by Jews
as the Temple Mount — have been used in generations of jihadist propaganda.
Qaeda’s largest branch, in Syria, said, "We emphasize
that whatever was taken by force can only be retrieved by force." And from Mali to Yemen to Afghanistan, jihadist groups ridiculed Mr. Trump.

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