Mount AGUNG volcano reactive and 100 thousand need to leave the house. Indonesia / Bali alert

2017-12-18 2

The giant awoke! The Agung volcano, which lies on the tourist island of Bali, struck the world a few days ago and began to emit ashes and caused the removal of at least 100,000 people from their homes under the threat of eruption.

Columns of smoke and explosive eruptions. The sound of weak bursts can be heard up to 12 kilometers from the peak, the country's Disaster Mitigation Agency said.

The mountain even emitted smoke that reached 4 thousand meters high ..

A river of lava and mud - because it rains a lot in the region as well - carry debris from trees, debris and large rocks that can destroy homes, bridges and streets.

As a precautionary measure, the Indonesian government also ordered the closure of the Bali airport, which led to the cancellation of more than 440 flights and injured some 59,000 passengers.