22. Place of Big Noise (Augrabies Falls National Park)

2017-12-07 4

Hear the mighty Augrabies Falls roar as our new batch of explorers venture into its misty beauty. Greeted by giraffes and baboons, they discover the secrets of life in the desert, including how the white bark of a tree reflects the deadly heat of the sun.

A trail of otter, dassie and baboon dung leads them to a creek where the natural filtration system of wetlands is at work. Water filters through a bed of reeds and come out crystal clear and clean on the other side. They follow the tributary to the mighty canyon itself. After assessing the white water rapids down below and taking a sunbath with some lizards, the team sets up camp in the bush and let their minds and hearts soar as they watch the sunset from a rock hill.

Rested from a night of roosterbroodjies and jokes around the fire, they wake before sunrise. This is the big day! They launch a raft some kilometres upstream of the main falls, and head straight into some scary rapids. Facing their fears head-on and relying on good teamwork, they reap the rewards for their courage –hollering in delight they pull out a few hundred meters before the river thunders down the ‘Place of Big Noise‘.