The cosmic tricksters excessively long, colorful, sparkly hair wasnt always so long, colorful, or sparkly

2017-12-06 3

The cosmic tricksters excessively long, colorful, sparkly hair wasnt always so long, colorful, or sparkly. The further Zoe moved through development, the longer and more dramatic her hair became. It was one of her defining features so it just kept on growing.

This eventually raised some concerns, not because her hair was too long, but because it was unclear if itd be possible to recreate her glittering locks in game. Zoes hair was really important to her silhouette and how people felt about her so we committed to finding a way to make it work.

There was no individual technique or technology that couldve been used to bring Zoes hair to life, but combining a bunch of them did the trick. Some of the tech used includes: The flowing-cloth technology used for the Immortal Journey skins, the dragon-tail tech used for spacy doggy, multiple bone chains to help make the animation look more natural, and a ton of VFX.