Symmetra Changes - Overwatch PTR November 22nd Update

2017-12-06 1

Photon Barrier
- Replaces her existing Photon Shield ability
- Generates a large energy barrier in front of Symmetra that blocks enemy fire as it travels forward

Shield Generator (New Ultimate Ability)
- Symmetra's Ultimate ability now offers a choice between her Teleporter and a new option: Shield Generator
- Shield Generator places a device that grants additional shields to any ally within the its effective radius, regardless of barriers, walls, or obstacles between heroes and the Shield Generator

Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
- Range has been increased from 5 meters to 7 meters

Sentry Turret
- Number of turrets that can be carried has been increased from 3 turrets to 6 turrets
- Cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

- Decreased health from 200 to 50
- Increased shields from 0 to 350