League of Legends: New Champion Teaser in PBE

2017-12-06 1

A mysterious voice has been discovered on the PBE, including both music and several lines that reference jungle camps - Gromp, Blue Buff, and Krugs.

+ Poor Gromp. He was a prince amongst toads.
+ You will be missed old friend, warts and all.
+ Goodbye Gromp, or as you would say, ribbit.
+ Hop to that lilypad in the sky, old friend.
+ Wait 'til you see Daisy's dance moves!
+ Everyone wins in a dance off.
+ Next time, more petting and less stabbing.
+ A tragic end for such a noble friend.
+ Can I cut in? Yes? No. I'll- I'll come back later.
+ Why kill when you can simply ask?
+ What a shame, he could've been a mountain.
+ How can anyone kill someone as cuddly as Krugs?
+ Farewell Krugs, I shall miss our long talks.