Take all my kills, my kills, yea, take them all:
What have you now that you didn’t before?
My kills, my love, for your hasty recall —
Mine was yours before you had much more.
Then if for my kills that my love secures,
I cannot blame thee for the gifts you take;
My kills, my love, for mine were yours —
Thy sweet kills my true love make.
If my kills you steal on chance,
I do forgive you, oh gentle carry;
For love born in a fleeting glance,
Your kills, my love, I pray legendary.
Will you embrace the assist with Sweetheart Sona (975 RP) or accept love’s true sacrifice and secure the kill with Heartseeker Orianna (1350 RP)? Fight for love with both heartbreakers, now available where candy hearts always read “UR2CUTE”: the League store.