This 1950's personal hygiene film teaches young children care of the hair and fingernails. A somewhat disturbing magical fairy shows the picture of a very unkempt little boy with messy hair and long claw-like fingernails, saying “I always keep that picture on my wall, just to remind me how many boys and girls still need my help.” She waves her magic wand and introduces some other children who need tips from the fairy. She recommends that they wash their hair at least once a week, and advocated never using another person’s comb or hat for fear of lice, which are shown in an animated diagram. She instructs one little girl, Alice, to brush her hair until it shines, or 100 strokes of the brush. She also tells the children, boys and girls, how to clean and manicure their fingernails. This is an interesting hygiene film, thanks to the creepy fairy godmother and wacky kids.