Pumping New Life into Israel’s Labor Party, From the Right

2017-12-02 0

Pumping New Life into Israel’s Labor Party, From the Right
" he said. that The mission of a prime minister is to be a prime minister of all the people in the country — not your camp, your side,
Mr. Gabbay said that You have to know something about
After retreating to Mykonos in Greece last year, toting biographies of the former prime ministers David Ben-Gurion
and Menachem Begin, Mr. Gabbay said he decided to run for prime minister himself to change the political culture in Israel, something that he says can only be achieved from the very top.
Labor, so identified with the left, she said, "practically doesn’t exist in their eyes."
But between them, Mr. Gabbay and Mr. Lapid could possibly steal enough support from the right to deny it an automatic majority.
" Mr. Ben-Meir said, "but the right paid attention." Mr. Gabbay seems pleased by the attention he is getting, critical
or not, though he welcomes it nonchalantly, as if it were a matter of simple math. that The left went crazy,
Gabbay said that Every week it’s like something against somebody,
A poll by an Israeli TV station, immediately after the Labor leadership contest in July, found
that if elections were held then, Likud would take 29 seats in the Knesset and the Zionist Union, which includes Labor, would take 24 seats — eight more than the centrist Yesh Atid party led by Yair Lapid.

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