Putting Australia in Its Place, Vanishing Ice: Canada Today

2017-12-02 2

Putting Australia in Its Place, Vanishing Ice: Canada Today
Read: Why Lost Ice Means Lost Hope for an Inuit Village The Times has extensively reported on the work of Geoffrey Everest Hinton, a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto who is affiliated with Google
and also largely responsible for making Toronto a global center for work on artificial intelligence.
Read: A New Way for Machines to See, Taking Shape in Toronto Along with news
and analysis, The Times offers advice on matters big and small, much of which can be found in its Guides offering.
On the specific side of things, Deb Amlen, a columnist
and editor of Wordplay, the crossword column of The Times, has produced a handbook on solving The New York Times Crossword.
Many Canadians were among the 200 people took up a request from The Times’s Reader Center
and submitted questions about how The Times covers the news for an international audience.
Jodi Rudoren Answers Readers’ Questions —Today the Toronto Maple Leafs are controlled by Canada’s largest cable company and Canada’s largest telephone company, both entities
that don’t immediately prompt affection in the hearts of Canadians.
A native of Windsor, Ontario, Ian Austen was educated in Toronto, lives in Ottawa
and has reported about Canada for The New York Times for over a decade.