G’night Forever, Little Edie! Grey Gardens Is Empty at Last.
Mr. Younkers, whose blue baseball cap was pinned at the brim with a Little Edie brooch, recalled how on one of their first dates, Mr. Zee drove him by Grey Gardens,
and when Mr. Zee photographed Kristen Wiig there, in a story for Elle in 2014, he brought Mr. Younkers as a surprise.
“She’s writing a friend about the sale of the house.”
Mr. Younkers said, “Don’t you just love her handwriting?”
“It’s beautiful,” Mr. Vanhoozier said.
In 2006, “Grey Gardens,” the musical, opened on Broadway: “It’s a big house, the house we live in,” Christine
Ebersole warbled, miming Little Edie’s flag dance, a particular favorite of YouTube drag queens.
“I’m married to an obsessive collector,” he said
“We have the last letter Edie wrote,” Mr. Vanhoozier said, bought on eBay for $350.
Behind him, Scotty Vanhoozier, 43, an I. T.
specialist from Charlotte, N. C., showed off photographs of his license plate, stored on his phone, which reads, “STAUNCH,” a piquant Little Edie-ism; the Big
and Little Edie dolls he’d had commissioned; and the many contemporary Beale portraits he’d bought over the years.