Hell will be created similar to the evolutionists' claims

2017-11-23 12

ADNAN OKTAR: In heaven, we will rise from our resting places. In the hereafter, a sound will be heard while we are in a lying position, and everyone will immediately stand up altogether. When the believers rise, they will be accompanied by a host and a driver. In other words, they will be brought to the place God refers to, that is a field in close proximity to hell, via a sort of vehicle. But believers will not enter hell; they are brought there only to see it. Disbelievers will be naked and in a kneeling position, covered in dust. The dust and ash will most probably originate from the destruction and reconstruction of the earth. This is what I think. It appears to be that way because everywhere will be covered in ashes and dust. "They will be covered in dust," says God, which indicates to the state of the field. But Muslims will be brought there via vehicles accompanied by heavenly hosts, and hell will be temporarily shown to them, after which they will be taken into heaven. From there, believers will be directly taken to the gates of heaven, whereas disbelievers will be put into hell right then and there. And believers will be able to occasionally see the residents of hell if they wish. That is the essence of the issue. Muslims will not experience any complications; they will react normally to their new circumstance. However disbelievers will think that they have been put under a spell, that they are actually still on earth but the spell is playing mind tricks on them, that what they see is an illusion. They will say that their perception of time is distorted, that they are shown a hellish places, that the spell they are under is hurting them; that is all.

EBRU ALTAN: You have also said that a part of those in hell who believe in evolution might be recreated as abnormal, pathological, mutant creatures.

ADNAN OKTAR: Indeed, according to the hadith narrations, the hell will be home to mutated, bizarre, disfigured fauna and flora, exactly in line with the explanations of the evolutionists. For example, creatures with displaced mouths, backward facing heads; you want mutation, and here it is, right? Such physical deformities occur in genetic code defects; this is why they will not be able to stand upright and only crawl around. They claim that mutations occur due to defects in the genetic code, so God recreates them in full accordance with their claims. For example, some of them will be blind. They say this is what genetic mutations lead to; so enjoy your mutations, right? Some will have twisted heads due to mutations. They claim that it is mutations that cause such deformities whereas it is how God creates. So God shows, how mutation would be as they asked for it. God creates all of them that way, in accordance with their beliefs regarding mutation. Plants, water, in short everything in hell looks, tastes, and smells horrendously.  The disbelievers say that 'water came to exist randomly'. Normally, subterranean waters would be sulfurous, salty, scalding hot, and have a terrible taste because it originates from the underground, as the magma lies under the earth's surface. And this is the water they will have in hell; over-heated, sulfurous and salty. The plants of hell have disfigured appearances due to mutations, just as the evolutionists claim. There are no sweet-scented, delicious fruits. God shows them in hell how evolution and mutation would work, as they claimed. They believe in evolution and mutation, right? So this is how it should be according to how they believe. This is what the hadiths tells us about the hell.



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