Authorities Moving Manus Island Refugees Onto Buses, Refugees Say

2017-11-23 1

Refugees inside the former Manus Island detention centre said they were being moved onto buses on November 23 as part of a police operation to clear out the facility.

A number of refugees reported Papua New Guinea authorities were forcibly moving men onto buses that would transport them to alternate accommodation.

On Thursday morning, about 50 PNG police and immigration officers stormed the facility and gave the men an ultimatum to leave, News Corp reported. During the operation, PNG authorities reportedly trashed the centre and destroyed beds and confiscated phones from the men. They also arrested an Iranian refugee and journalist, Behrouz Boochani, while he was reportedly trying to film them.

This video shows people being moved onto a bus by personnel from PNG Immigration. The Department of Immigration refused to answer questions regarding the police operation, advising Storyful to “Please refer any enquiries on this to the Government of PNG.” Credit: Twitter/Abdul Aziz Adam via Storyful