Dog Runs Away From Owner After Being Caught.

2017-11-22 8

Dogs are, quite apparently, capable of feeling and exhibiting all kinds of human emotions. One of their primary human emotions is, after watching this video, without a doubt, guilt.

In the beginning of the video, the owner of the house starts by narrating to the audience, “How to tell if you have a guilty dog.”

The owner proceeds to hold up a wad of devastated and discarded tissue paper, having been ravaged by the sharp teeth of what looks to be one canine—until another canine enters the picture.

The owner, questioningly, says, “Did you do this?” to which the first dog coyly draws away and exhibits no emotion at all. When the owner holds the tissues up to the second dog, who we will refer to as OJ, and says, “Did you do this,” OJ turns away, but his eyes are filled with guilt.

Then, the moment the owner presses OJ for answers, OJ bolts, running from his owner like the long arm of the law—if the long arm of the law was able to hold the tissues OJ had torn up. OJ continues to bolt, sliding on the floor. OJ's guilt is further compounded when the owner goes back to the first dog, who continues to act like a peach, and sniffs the tissues, innocent and free loving.

Perhaps OJ thinks that he's through the woods. But then, the owner turns back around and confronts OJ yet again—causing OJ to flee across the carpet. The first dog thinks it's a game, and begins to trail behind OJ. Clearly, pets know when they'd been caught, as they cannot hide their emotions. If only we humans held ourselves to a more altruistic and higher sense of humility. But, alas, we cannot always be as good as our canine counterparts.

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