2048 highest score : 80k (full game: 8192 tile : 4096 + 2048 + 1024. so close!)

2017-11-22 3

The highest score I recorded on 2048 game : 80632 points under 40 minutes.\r
24:15 : A really hard moment forced to go down and a 2 tile pop in the wrong place. Happy to manage it and reach a high score :)\r
Related : 2048 공략, stratégie gagner 2048, comment jouer 2048, 2048 最高記録, meilleur score 2048, record 2048, 2048 high score, 2048 best score, 2048 highest score, best 2048 score, 2048 ゲーム, 2048 공략, reaching 2048 tile