Enemies of Rome. mission 3. Spartacus. Age of Empires. Hardest

2017-11-21 7

game time 47:00. I was a little unlucky because red didnt atack me with all his forces when i attacked him. So i needed to search his army. While i was searching him, he attacked my city by coming from the another part of the map.\r
For Search\r
Эпоха Империй época Imperio Zeitalter der Weltreiche\r
Самый сложный más difíciles härtesten\r
миссия misión aoe\r
кампания campaña Kampagne\r
AOE1 Campaign AOE\r
Walkthrough Rise of Rome ROR\r
Спартак Espartaco Spartacus\r
Враги Рима Los Enemigos de Roma Die Feinde Roms