ASMR - Crossdressing wig and lip gloss - personal attention, hair brushing, softspoken

2017-11-19 82

***more info below***\r
First off, if this (any my other) LGBT themed videos generate more than pocket change in ad revenue, I pledge to donate part of the proceeds to an LGBT (stress on trans-inclusive) charity. If you want to support me because of this videos, I urge you to instead pay it forward to a charity that supports LGBT folks! :) \r
I am cisgender and straight, so its only right for me as an ally to not purely profit when I use topics pertaining to the LGBT community in my videos. I am always extremely touched by the loving responses given to me by you guys, really and truly! My heart overflows with happiness if even one of you says this made you feel more accepted as a person or included in the ASMR community. \r
I am super annoyed with myself that I said to only pick bright lip colors that are darker than your skin tone, because this only works for me as a PALE-ASS person! If you have dark skin, youd be limited to like midnight blue and super violet, and that is just nonsensical!! I should have said: Picking pastel colors is tricky because they can make your teeth look too yellow, so always swatch. \r
So maybe none of you noticed, but it really annoys me. \r
Finally, this video was super casually made, and I hope to offer more high-quality videos in the future. \r
Thank you.