The LR Goku event has 3 parts. 1st stage has the SSR SSJ Goku and is a 20 stamina event, Goku has 2 lifebars, and randomly drops the SSR card. 2nd stage is 25 stamina, you fight the the SSR Goku(1 lifebar) first, then the TUR Goku(2 lifebars) next and it drops the dokkan awakening medals for the TUR Goku. 3rd stage is 50 stamina, you fight SSR(1 lifebar), then TUR(1 lifebar), then the LR Goku(3 lifebars), and it drops between 5-10 of the dokkan awakening medals you need for the LR Goku. BTW, you need 15 TUR medals, and 777 LR medals total to fully awaken the LR Goku. LR Goku also has SA20, meaning if you want to level it up legit, you would need 20 SSR Goku cards, 30 TUR medals, and 1554 LR medals. Good luck.\r
Team used:\r
Leader King Vegeta(SA15)\r
Android 16(SA15)\r
King Cold(SA1)\r
Mecha Freeza(SA15)\r
Jackie Chun(SA15)\r
Cyborg Tao(SA15)\r
-- Watch live at \r\r\r\r