Swedish firm specializes in 3D printing body parts

2017-11-17 19

GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN — Swedish startup firm Cellink specializes in low-cost and accessible 3D bioprinting.

The company was founded in 2016 by Erik Gatenholm and Hector Martinez. It has already developed several 3D bioprinters as well as bioprinting materials (bioinks), according to 3ders.org.

Cellink is currently focused on growing cartilage and skin cells for drug and cosmetics testing, BBC reported.

The company also makes bioink, the liquid that human cells are mixed with, then 3D printed. Cellink makes its ink from cellulose from Swedish forests and alginate formed from Norwegian Sea seaweed, according to BBC.

Cellink bioinks run between $9 to $299, while the printers cost between $10,000 and $39,000.

Health experts believe that in 10 to 20 years, bioprinting could be used to make fully functioning organs for transplant.