Zeta Reticuli, a dim binary system of Sun-like stars only 39.5 light years away in the little constellation of Reticulum is strangely well-known. Why is it so famous? This system was once identified as the home of the little grey-faced and black-eyed humanoids who allegedly abducted Barney and Betty Hill and ever since has appeared in popular culture as the quintessential location of extraterrestrial mystery. What do we really know about these stars?\r
The extraterrestrial races in this group include the ubiquitous Grays from the star system Zeta Reticulum and the Orion Constellation who are described in most of the abduction research and who figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes. Col Phillip Corso served in the Eisenhower administration and later headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Armys Research and Development Department, and is yet another long serving military official who became a whistleblower on the secret extraterrestrial presence. In his memoirs, he claims to have witnessed the body of a dead ‘Gray retrieved from Roswell in 1947 that fit the classic description of a four foot tall extraterrestrial with a large head, large black almond shaped eyes, thin torso and spindly arms and legs.\r
Many researchers agree that the Grays are deeply involved in developing a hybrid human-Gray race that would be a suitable vehicle for the next step in human evolution. [18] According to Col Corso, the Grays were involved in agreements with the Eisenhower administration that military officials saw as a form of ‘negotiated surrender, where the Grays gained permission for abducting civilians and ‘expanding their biological program. The Grays are very ive in human abductions, genetic experiments, monitoring humans through implants, mind control/programming, cloning and creation of hybrid humans.\r
These contribute to systemic global problems such as humans traumatized by abduction experiences, genetically modified humans, implants for monitoring humans, and an overly passive population due to hypnotic mind control/programming.