Scientific defeat of Darwinism is the only way to put an end to social aggression

2017-11-16 1

VTR: I have always wondered. Is there a short-term solution to the aggression that has brought society to this state?

ADNAN OKTAR: Darwinism is the root of the aggression. What does Darwin say? He says, "Humans are animals. And animals are engaged in a constant struggle against each other. The strong animal destroys the weak. And the world is a struggle arena for all animals." What happens when people are raised under such notion? They act like animals. They become communist, terrorists. They martyr those whom they deem weak. Therefore, the most crucial struggle must be waged against Darwinism. The state should make this mission its utmost priority. Only then will we secure a worldwide victory against aggression. By doing so, we will eliminate the PKK while dealing the most devastating blow to every other terrorist organization in the world.
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