Gay MP Delivers Heartfelt Speech as He Introduces Same-Sex Marriage Bill

2017-11-16 3

The first gay MP in federal Parliament gave an emotional speech on November 16 as he introduced a bill to allow same-sex marriage in Australia.

Smith, a devout Christian and a conservative monarchist, began the debate on Thursday morning to legalise same-sex marriage in Australia, following a day where gay rights supporters celebrated a majority “yes” vote in the same-sex marriage postal survey across the country.

The Western Australian senator introduced the bill on Wednesday after the historic announcement that 61.1 per cent of the country voted in favour of same-sex marriage. Smith worked on the process for more than a year before it was introduced into federal Parliament, ABC reported, which could see changes to marriage law before Christmas.

Smith said when he was a young man he never thought he could serve in the prime minister’s office nor be elected into Parliament because of his sexual orientation, but he was proven wrong. Near the end of his speech, Smith paused and his voice shook.

“And I never believed the day would come when my relationship would be judged by my country to be as meaningful and valued as any other. The Australian people have proved me wrong.

“To those who want and believe in change — and to those who seek to frustrate it — I simply say: ’Don’t underestimate Australia. Don’t underestimate the Australian people’.” Credit: Australian Parliament House via Storyful