Lets Play: Papas Taco Mia HD Ranks 11 to 15 – PORTALLINI FEAST

2017-11-15 3

We are now celebrating the SECOND of the twelve holidays: Portallini Feast! This delightful holiday celebrates the tastes of the Mediterranean. With Greek and Italian influences, Taco Mia HD is sure to be a popular spot for this month long festival. \r
The awesome holiday ingredients we will unlock are: \r
• Garlic and Olive Oil Piada Taco Shells\r
• Gyro Meat\r
• Tzatziki Sauce\r
• Romaine Lettuce Topping\r
• Feta Cheese Topping\r
In the interest of saving time, I sped all of the clips up and added some background music! \r
Join me as I play through the first 12 In-Game Months and complete the storyline.