The Bonn Climate Conference: All Our Coverage in One Place

2017-11-15 1

The Bonn Climate Conference: All Our Coverage in One Place
You’ve probably heard of the Paris climate agreement from 2015, when world leaders agreed to voluntarily
limit greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to stave off the worst effects of global warming.
• Syria announced last week that it would join the Paris climate accord, meaning
that every country in the world has now signed on to the pact or intends to join — and only one, the United States, has signaled its intention to withdraw from it.
These charts lay it out:
Two years after countries signed a landmark climate agreement in Paris, the world remains
far off course from preventing drastic global warming in the decades ahead.
• The Trump administration has sent a delegation to Bonn, but the American negotiators will be hashing out the details of a climate deal
that President Trump has vowed to abandon — "like a spouse who demands a divorce but then continues to live at home," as our reporter put it.
Negotiators from nearly 200 countries are meeting this week in Bonn, Germany, in the biggest climate change talks of the year.
And even those goals are just a starting point — emissions would have to be cut even further to stop global average temperatures from warming
more than 2 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels, the point at which scientists say drastic consequences will be unavoidable.