Alan Moore created the characters Dr. Manhattan, The Comedian, Nite Owl, Rorschach, Ozymandias, and Silk Spectre for Watchmen in 1986, but they were actually based on Silver Age characters Captain Atom, Peacemaker, Blue Beetle, The Question / Mr. A, Thunderbolt and Nightshade, whom were based on Golden Age characters, Atoman, The Shield, Blue Beetle, The Blank, Daredevil, and Phantom Lady. By understanding that, and those characters, it helps to see that Alan Moore essentially meant to show how these characters would actually function in a realistic world of their respective eras. The Watchmen series is powerful via its constant cycling between the Golden Age, the Silver Age, and then the Modern (Dark) Age of the 1980s, and by harnessing the actual characters from those ages, and merging them into something powerful and interesting, and ultimately deconstructed and broken into by showing how they could be something truly awful in the real world. Spotlight on Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Rorschach, and Silk Spectre with Conclusion. Part 2 of 2.