The Krefeld Battleground - Aftermovie

2017-11-14 1

After several months of production, I am proud to release “The Krefeld Battleground - Aftermovie”. This movie contains highlights from the previous LAN in Krefeld (May 2017).

Unfortunately I could not consider every frag or highlight, since not every player shared his highlights with me. I tried to show as many players as possible, considering the fact, that the frags/highlight should be worth showing.

A big and special thanks goes to ipod, who kept me motivated to finish this, provided great ideas and also sending me all the frags. Also, I would like to thank ag0n, for being a movie genius and helping me out and of course also a big thanks to teamoxid, who made this event possible and allowed me to use their footage - make sure to visit their website (

Movie Information
Length: 6min 40sec
Frame Rate: 50fps
Resolution: 1920x1080

Muzzy - Spectrum
Voicians - Empire (Instrumental)