These are 20 new real time strategy games for 2017 and upcoming 2018.\r
GamesList: \r
00:05 HearthLands\r
01:17 Empire Architect\r
02:23 Empires of the Undergrowth\r
03:47 First Strike Final Hour\r
04:58 They are Billions\r
06:11 Tanks vs Aliens\r
06:40 Win that War\r
07:07 Hypernova Escape from Hadea\r
08:33 Fantasy Era\r
09:34 Bannermen\r
10:51 Tribal Siege\r
12:04 Medieval Kingdom Wars\r
13:21 Veil of Crows\r
14:31 Ancestors\r
15:50 Iron Harvest 1920\r
16:43 Armor Clash 2\r
17:50 Steel Division Normandy 44\r
18:46 Surviving Mars\r
20:08 Saelig\r
21:32 Ancient Cities