Caravan of UN Food Aid Arrives in East Damascus, But Not Enough

2017-11-13 4

A caravan of 22 trucks delivered food aid from the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to Douma, a town in East Damascus, Syria, on November 12, but residents said it was not nearly enough.

Trucks with the Syrian Red Crescent logo on printed on them entered Douma, bringing food for 21,500 people. In this footage, residents tell two people wearing Red Crescent vests the situation in Douma is a crisis, and children represent half the population of the town.

There are more than 27,000 families in Douma, local news media said.

Syrian government forces have blockaded the towns in East Damascus since 2013, but the siege has tightened in the past months, leading prices and malnutrition, especially among children, to rise. Credit: YouTube/RFS Media Office via Storyful