Learn Colors PJ Masks Candy Vending Machine Paw Patrol Baby Dolls Shimmer & Shine Bubble Guppies \r
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Hi everyone! Watch as the PJ Masks charers try to get candy from the candy vending machine. Next watch as Paw Patrol Skye bakes a nice meal for PJ Masks Catboy and Owlette, Shimmer of Shimmer and Shine and Chase of Paw Patrol while our favorite nursery rhymes are playing. After these baby dolls eat, they potty train and pee and poop in the toilet. We end with the doorbell house where we learn colors and numbers with Mickey Mouse, a troll, Bubble Guppies Nonny and Paw Patrols Chase. This is the best learn colors and pretend play video for kids, toddlers and preschoolers.\r
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Best Nursery Rhymes for Toddlers \r
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