Sairento VR patch 0.2: The Dismemberment Update

2017-11-12 0

Gameplay from the large new 0.2 patch for Sairento VR, one of my favorite roomscale shooter games in VR.\r
Sairento VR is a $24.99 VR shooter game that supports the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift with Touch. It uses multiple locomotion methods with dash teleportation, double jumping, Onwards locomotion, wall running, wall jumping, and roomscale dodging and sliding. The new patch added a bunch of new features including dismemberment, updated AI, a re-hauled skill system, and procedurally generated missions.\r
Full patch notes:\r
## 0.2.0 (2017-05-20)\r
- Added new enemy - Geisha.\r
- Revamped all difficulties to be more unforgiving.\r
- Added new currency drops : Beacons and Fabricators\r
- Fabricators are a required component for crafting relics\r
- Beacons can be used to increase a missions difficulty in exchange for better rewards\r
- Melee killing blows now hack apart the enemys body\r
- Max player level is now 100.\r
- Introduction of 30 Legendary relic properties.\r
- The skill system has been removed, with legendary relics being the means of empowerment and build customization.\r
- Introduction of Operations system. An operation consists of 3 randomly generated mission. You earn a bounty for completing all of them. Operations can be rerolled by spending Ducats. \r
- You can now hold melee weapons in a backhand pose, based on the angle you grabbed it.\r
- Added visual feedback when you hover your hand over a stored weapon\r
- Updated sound effects for weapons\r
- Added full body avatar for player\r
- Removed shift cost while in dojo/after completing a level.\r
- Ammo drops are now universal and will refill all weapons\r
- Guns now have their own individual ammo pools\r
- Guns no longer fire while pointing at a UI in the dojo\r
- Increased base spread for all shotguns.\r
- Updated ammo interface for guns\r
- Updated tutorial\r
- Improved jump logic to handle low curbs and ceilings better\r
- Improved jump feedback to show bouncing off walls\r
- Falling off a level will reset you back to the last good position instead of the spawn point.\r
- Fixed weapon rig orientation locking up when looking directly downwards\r
- Fixed relic selection screen not showing currently equipped relic\r
- Fixed Fade teleport locomotion\r
Official game description of Sairento VR on Steam:\r
Sairento VR is a mission-driven, VR ion role-playing game set in a reimagined Japan in the near future. In Sairento, you play as a member of the Silent Ones - a righteous but covert organization of seemingly ordinary people who price the long forsaken code and martial arts of the ancient samurais and ninjas. You are tasked with uncovering the sinister secret behind other members of the Silent Ones turning into crazed nano-infected shells of their former self and in the process, fight your way through multitudes of your past comrades.\r
Crafted painstakingly to provide an engaging and visually stunning first-person swordfighting and gunplay - expect awesome weaponry, intuitive controls, challenging levels, menacing enemies and beautiful environments in your fight to restore order to the world.\r
You will be able to leap 15 feet into the air, slow time down while you blast away at an enemy before landing to deliver a lethal strike with your katana on another.\r
The combat system was tested vigorously amongst gamers, the development team, family, friends and people prically dragged off the streets, to ensure an intuitive and immersive experience. Get transformed into a mighty warrior with an arsenal of ancient weapons with a futuristic twist and engage an endless horde of enemies across different locations.\r
Chosen to be a Silent One for your outstanding charer and trained by a sensei skilled in the art of ancient Japanese martial arts and modern fighting, you not only yield a mean katana, but are also skillful with guns and projectile weapons. Built for non-stop slash and shoot ion, Sairento aims to set a new standard in VR games in terms of excitement and engagement.\r
• Engage enemies using our innovative combat system, allowing you to fight in slow motion and parry incoming projectiles like a boss.\r
• Cut your enemies down with a futuristic katana or blast them to smithereens with good old fashioned guns.\r
• Fancy hurling blade beams from your katana? You can do so by upgrading your abilities and weapons as you accumulate experience from completing missions.\r
• Leap 15 feet into the air, perform double jumps, run across walls or slide across the floor like only a true ion super star could.\r
• Fight enemies ranging from mutated samurais and disappearing ninjas to creepy robot ninjas and towering sumo wrestlers.\r
• Traverse a reimagined futuristic Japan in locat