Tony Abbott Fundraiser Surrounded by Manus Island Protesters

2017-11-10 6

Protesters calling for the restoration of services to Manus Island surrounded a fundraising event held for former prime minister Tony Abbott in Sydney on November 10.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that protesters heckled attendees and some wrestled with police as they attempted to block cars with guests entering the event.

Abbott’s sister Christine Forster was also confronted, before police escorted her through the crowd.

The protest was held to oppose Australia’s offshore detention system, with Immigration Minister Peter Dutton attending the fundraiser. The controversial Manus Island Detention Centre closed permanently on October 31, with services cut off and 600 men ordered to leave the premises. They have refused.

This footage was filmed by Green Party politician Jenny Leong, who was taking part in the protest. Credit: Jenny Leong via Storyful