Part 3: Mike Lobel hosting vRL July 24th 2008

2008-07-25 31

Hey if you are on vSide you know me as kaleidocat and maybe you remembered I said I was recording it. I had my video capture software going during the vRL but the length of it totally crashed it before I could let it do it's thing and save. Learned my lesson; do small clips! Then I can make some screen caps too. Now that I got the hang of this, Ling, Action, and other special guests *cough Melissa McIntyre and Jake Epstein cough* should do another vRL soon!!!

No video clips but here is the audio. If my connection to vSide was good and I didn't make any mistakes while clipping, this is the whole thing. Enjoy and head on over to vSide.

Download the audio file here -