Car Lease Corp Long Island is not your grandfather’s car leasing agency. We do things differently, and those differences mean savings for you. We’re able to save you lots of money because we don’t have a traditional, physical car lot. Our inventory of beautiful vehicles is all online. This saves you money because “old-school” car lots cost money, overhead we simply don’t have to worry about. When we save, you save. But our having a “virtual car lot” also means lots of convenience! You don’t have to drive all over Long Island to find that certain car model you’re after; you just visit our website and search. And we promise we’ll have that car you have in mind. If you’re not sure what model or even make of car you want, you can take as long as you want, from the comfort of your favorite chair in your own home, day or night, browsing through our inventory.
Car Lease Corp Long Island
777 Southport Street
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
(845) 818-2886