Brutus The Service Dog Rottweiler Meeting Random dogs and People

2017-11-10 20

The beginning of this video is hilarious but necessary. I have had a nasty troll saying Brutus should be put down for his behavior and that she would shoot him if given the chance. So sick as I am still trying to get over Hank. Brutus and I are spending a lot of time together during our grieving. She even made a video about me and cusses like a sailor during it. Such trash.She has trolled my videos for weeks leaving so many hate comments, so today I finally spoke up and she accuses me of being a bully said she called the cops and that I will get fined for what I said, lol. So funny how these losers will attack me on my own YT and FB, but yet accuse me of being the bad guy. Quit stalking and harassing my dogs and I you wicked witch. Brutus is a good dog and you are so jealous. This video is just a day in the life. He is highly socialized, well trained, well behaved, an AKC CGC Therapy Dog and PTSD service dog.Its not just the dog that is a service dog, its the handler as well and I can get Brutus to pass ANY canine testing. My dog does whatever I say. There will be more to come and I will make a video on how to train your very own dog to become a Therapy dog or PTSD dog. (Brutus slightly barks once or twice during this video only bc a squirrel runs past)\r
You will see a smaller dog even nips him and he brushes it off. If he was the highly aggressive attack dog/fighting dog this troll claims, then Im pretty sure that lil dog would of been dead. To you normal people with brains..Enjoy our video with Brutus meeting several different breeds, large and small, people and even infant baby that a dad let hang out with him, unsupervised.\r
(I had to disable comments bc this lady had over 100 psychotic comments towards my dogs) blocking is useless, as they can still comment. Thanks YouTube for letting these disgusting pigs wreak havoc on YT to the uploaders.