Hundreds of Students Rally for Congress to Pass Immigration Law

2017-11-09 2

Hundreds of high school and college students in Washington walked out of class and marched to Capitol Hill on Thursday, November 9, to protest the US Senate’s failure to pass a “clean” DREAM Act for undocumented minors.

The group wants the senate to pass legislation by the time it goes into recess in December, a news report said. The group unfurled banners in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building and chanted “Si, se puede,” which means “Yes, it’s possible.”

President Donald Trump ended Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals earlier this year, the program started by President Barack Obama’s administration to protect those who entered the country illegally when they were children. Trump gave a March deadline for Congress to pass legislation on immigration, though the deadline may be extended. Credit: Instagram/Peter Cruz V via Storyful