Netflix - Wrong DVD 3 times in a row - Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Bonus Material - Long Version

2017-11-08 1

I didnt want to have to do this, but I want to show Netflix that their so-called customer service and feedback is just awful.nearing cable television CSR standards.\r
Since they didnt accept my word and research all the information I gave them I will show you (and hopefully Netflix) that there is an issue and hopefully they will address it.\r
I ordered Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Special Edition in January new.\r
I originally ordered the Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Special Edition #45087 (labeled disk ONE on the silkscreen under the white hub) as it mentioned that it had the audio commentary to which I was interested in listening to. Every menu I looked through did not have it, and in one menu, Maroon Cartoon Studio instructs me To gain access to the Maroon Cartoon Studios please insert disk 2.\r
So I ordered the other disk that was listed online Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Bonus Material: Family Version #45086\r
When I received it I went directly to the menu, and to the Maroon Cartoon Studio and it mentioned to .insert disk 2. Close inspection of the disk revealed that the sleeve and white hub label indicated Bonus Material but on the silkscreened red horseshoe under the center hub label was labeled ONE. Obviously this disk was mislabeled.\r
Without returning this mislabeled disk, a call to Netflix three more times returned three more mislabeled disks. Every time it showed up the label on the sleeve and the hub indicated it was Bonus Material but the digital content on the disk and silkscreened label was always disk ONE and the content I was looking for was not there.\r
In the fifth call to Netflix they indicated that apparently my DVD player did not work correctly and a sixth call they told me that they do not carry the Bonus Material and I should obtain it elsewhere. As the call continued told me that they checked the content of both disks and they were labeled correctly for the content that was on the disks.\r
Seeing other comments on the Member reviews tells me that disk TWO may not exist at Netflix as the local distro center has sent me disk ONE four different times.\r
In addition, disk one Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Special Edition, the sleeve mentions Extras in this special edition include audio commentary, deleted scenes and more. None of those listed extras are ually on disk one.\r
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Bonus Material: Family Version disk sleeve mentions .include the full family friendly version of thein full screen, three animated shorts, a featurette, a game and more. Those three listed extras are physically on disk ONE, not TWO.\r
To this date I have never received this mystical disk TWO as silkscreened from the manufurer. Tried ordering it 4 times as I continued to receive the wrong disk, disk ONE. The last time I was on the phone with Netflix they told me that they wouldnt send another out to me as a freebee as I had ordered it 3 times already.\r
Apparently on the Member Reviews of the Bonus Material disk, a lot of people are looking for that family friendly version and getting a shock when it isnt really family appropriate. Looks like Netflix is sending them disk ONE all the time, like they have done to me four times now. I am not too sure Netflix ually has disk TWO based on all the comments listed there. Netflix should do a little house cleaning and remove the Bonus Material off their DVD selection if they dont have the disk, maybe they should read what those customers have mentioned.\r
I am having a friend order it from another state to see if this is an isolated incident or an enterprise wide issue.but I am not holding my breath.