Minecraft: Bunny Challenge - Cute Carrots! Ep 2

2017-11-05 4

Today I Start the Bunny Challenge for Minecraft!\r
Subscribe for more: \r
Bunny Challenge : \r
Take the Poll for the 100 Baby Challenge:\r
Poll done!\r
Bunny Challenge Rules:\r
1. Play on Hard\r
2. Cannot die\r
Once you die progress is lost and you have to start over!\r
3. Cannot Kill Animals\r
4. Can only Eat Carrots & Golden Carrots\r
5. Can Start with a Bonus Chest with 7 Carrots inside \r
(Use them wisely)\r
6. Collect 100 Bunnies\r
7. Must Build a House for yourself and Nursery for bunnies\r
8. No creative\r
9. Cannot Breed Bunnies\r
10. Have Fun Everybun!\r
Only Mods being used are:\r
1.Shaders mod\r
3.Furniture mod\r
4.Better Foliage \r
Cute Art by: \r
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