Coach USA/NJ Transit bus murder victim Deshon mother reveals the dirty truth

2017-11-04 2

This video is going to shine the light on the truth behind the corrupt and poor Essex County Vehicular Homicide Prosecutor Detective
of Deshon death case caused by Wilson Romaine Haitian native
Coach USA bus driver operating NJ Transit bus 709. Romaine blew pass the bus stop where Deshon flagged the bus to stop. Deshon rushed to the corn of Broad Street and Bay Avenue at the front door knocking hard while on the curb when Romaine jumped the curb and knocked him down running him over twice than dragged him 50 to 100 feet from Broad Street to Bay Avenue in Bloomfield NJ. Naomi is raising awareness at the Fashion For her Deshon
Johnson and Stop reckless, aggressive, and rude bus drivers from carelessly taking young innocent lives. Wilson Romaine never charged for Deshon's murder; he committed legalized murder. Coach USA bus the company is subcontracted by NJ Transit and based in Scotland. Naomi reveals the dirty truth of her son's corrupted case.