U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

2017-11-04 0

U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials
They’re obviously not getting it from their own scientists.”
While there were pockets of resistance to the report in the Trump administration, according to climate scientists involved in drafting the report, there was little appetite for a knockdown
fight over climate change among Mr. Trump’s top advisers, who are intensely focused on passing a tax reform bill — an effort they think could determine the fate of his presidency.
Though the study has been in the works since 2015, several scientists said the election of Mr. Trump, who has labeled climate change a “canard”
and appointed cabinet members who disputed the scientific consensus, caused them to worry the report would be blocked or buried.
WASHINGTON — Directly contradicting much of the Trump administration’s position on climate change, 13 federal agencies unveiled an exhaustive scientific report on Friday
that says humans are the dominant cause of the global temperature rise that has created the warmest period in the history of civilization.