Chennai Floods Again in 2017?|Tamilnadu Weatherman Reveals! |BOATS 2

2017-11-03 13

BOATS (Based On A True Story) our new brand show which we wanted to be much more different from other shows had its second guest Pradeep John who people know him a Chennai Wheather man. This Episode of BOATS has interesting conversation stating what are the actual procedure in measuring Rainfall and the process behind it. Infact the entire episode is about the climatic change happening and with proper stats our guest Pradeep John clarifies on the rumours speculating around Flood hitting in the month of December. There is also one important question about Panjangam that people depict that whatever nature events happening are all according to it. where our chennai wheather man denies about them. He also shares about how he started reporting it and the interest he had on it.

A request to all our subscribers to give us Genuine feedback about our new show BOATS which will make us Improve in upcoming Episodes.

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