Mental Health Lawyer Hamilton - Bernstein Law Group Provides Mental Health Law Services

2017-11-01 4

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Email us directly or call us at (905) 546-1990.

Mental Health Lawyer Hamilton, ON

You wake up in the hospital, you had some sort of psychiatric episode, you don't know what to do, what's next. You've been made an involuntary patient, the doctor doesn't want you leaving the hospital. But you have the right to a hearing within 7 days. We will talk with the hospital and your doctor to see that your wishes are respected. If that doesn't work we will take your case in front of the consent and capacity board. Call us today for a free consultation.

Mental health law is a complex field that includes elder care law, disability law, criminal law and a number of other legal areas.

Mental illness can affect a number of areas in a person's life, including their ability to:

Consent to medical procedures
Make decisions about their own finances and health
Make a valid will
Be considered criminally responsible for their actions
Stephen Bernstein sits on the panel of the Consent and Capacity Board, helping to decide matters of mental health for criminal and noncriminal matters. His experience in this field is invaluable to clients seeking our help in mental health matters, whether they are seeking to dispute a capacity or consent decision or seeking help for mentally ill family members.

Call Bernstein Law Group Today for a FREE CONSULTATION or Visit Us:
Email us directly or call us at (905) 546-1990.