Quadcopter frame made from easily obtainable parts, from your hardware or arts and crafts store. See Part2, the initial test flight here \r
1/8 sheet wood for top/bottom plates.\r
1/2 wood dowel for arms\r
1 6-32 screws, inner.\r
2 6-32 screws, outer.\r
4 hole saw, to make top/bottom plates.\r
Multiwii 1.7 (ATMEGA Firmware)\r
Wii Mmotion+ - Gyro (from wiimote and nunchuck)\r
BMA180 - Accelerometer\r
ESC - TURNIGY Plush 18amp Speed Controller (hobbyking)\r
Motor - 2210N 1000Kv Brushless motor (hobbyking)\r
Power Bus - home made.\r
The remote control/transmitter is nothing special, you can use any rc remote, I use a standard 2.6ghz transmitter / receiver. I mean any rc trasmitter/receiver will do, even from your old rc toys. Just make sure it is legal in your country to use it on an rc aircraft..