Marshall Police, community tie ribbons to raise domestic violence awareness.

2017-10-29 6

Marshall Police, community tie ribbons to raise domestic violence awareness.

MARSHALL, Texas - On a chilly Friday morning the Marshall Police Department and Women's Center of East Texas teamed up to raise awareness about domestic violence.

In the parking lot of the Walmart several police vehicles had their lights flashing as motorists were encouraged to pull up and have a purple ribbon tied to their vehicle. The ribbons show support for ending domestic violence, and are intended to raise awareness and trigger questions from the community. The entire MPD Criminal Investigation Unit , as well as volunteers from the Women's Center of East Texas and the community did the ribbon tying.

"Unfortunately it's a growing problem across the United States, not just Texas and not just Marshall," says MPD Public Information Officer, Kelly Colvin.

Marshall Police reported over 250 domestic violence occurrences in 2016, and are on track to see a similar number this year. According to Denver Thomas, Outreach Advocate with the Women's Center of East Texas, there were 143 domestic violence related deaths in Texas in 2016.

The event is personal for volunteer Cindy Kopecky, her daughter was killed 4 years ago by domestic violence. Kopecky and another of her daughter braved the cold and windy weather to tie ribbons to car antenna's, mirrors, and windshield wipers for over an hour.

"You know if we can save one life, by one lady seeing this or being able to walk away from a situation, then that's a good thing," says Kopecky, who has recently become an advocate for domestic violence victims and organizations. She says it has taken her years open up and speak publicly about her loss.