Counter-Protesters Declare Victory After Second White Lives Matter Rally Canceled

2017-10-29 11

Anti-white nationalists in Murfreesboro, Tennessee were filmed cheering in the streets on October 28 after a second White Lives Matter rally was cancelled.

Following a rally in Shelbyville on Saturday morning, organized by white nationalist group League of the South, a second rally scheduled to be held in Murfressboro was cancelled. The League’s public relations chief tweeted it was due to time constraints and that the second rally was a lawsuit trap.

A caravan of white nationalists was due to appear in downtown Murfreesboro but never arrived, Tennessean reported. Instead only about 30 white nationalists were present and were vastly outnumbered by counter-protesters. This footage shows the scene in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, including a counter-protesting declaring they had won after the second rally was canceled.

There was a heavy police presence at both locations. In addition to the police patrolling the two protests, officers with long guns were spotted on nearby buildings, a news report said. Credit: Twitter/Search4Swag via Storyful