Trump declassifies some JFK assassination documents - TomoNews

2017-10-27 48

WASHINGTON — President Trump has ordered the release of 2,800 JFK assassination files, but blocked others because of national security concerns.

Congress passed a law in 1992 requiring all assassination records — about five million pages — to be open to the public within 25 years. That deadline was Thursday.
More than 90% of the files were already public, according to BBC.

Will these new files shed some more light on the assassination? Was Lee Harvey the actual shooter, or just a patsy?
News sites have actually taken to live streaming the document release — aka — posting the documents online for you to read as well as promising plenty of "live updates". Who would have thought a dead topic could have so much life?

At least now with the records out, all conspiracy theories on JFK will finally be put to rest. Maybe even all conspiracy theories?