Hypocrites are far more malicious than satan

2017-10-26 25

ADNAN OKTAR: The battle between the good and the evil has begun since the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh). And it will last until the Day of Judgment. It has begun in the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh), in the time of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), it was Nimrod versus the Prophet Abraham (pbuh); in the Pharaoh's era, it was the Prophet Moses (pbuh) versus the Pharaoh; and in the End Times, it will be Hazrat Mahdi (as) versus dajjal. The dajjal movement is represented by the British deep state, and the army of hypocrites is under its command. Hypocrites are dajjal's biggest weapons. He cannot derive such benefit from the irreligious. Hypocrites and idolaters are the ones he can truly benefit from. They comprise the two main force of dajjal.

In the struggle between good and evil, satan is an invisible force. For that reason, fighting against satan is not so simple. The people of faith should be extremely careful. Hypocrites are more savage than satan. Because they are in human form. Satan can only whisper, but the hypocrite talks. He actually speaks, and he speaks everywhere. Night and day he tries to perform his evil deeds. Hypocrites are like chameleon. They can blend in as anything. They adapt themselves to every environment. They can blend in easily wherever they go. When they are in contact with the deep state, they become the deep state's minions, but when they are among Muslims, they act like a Muslim. They can take the appearance of any type of person they see.

MS. DANNY: Do demons speak to hypocrites?

ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, there are two types of demons; those in human form and those in jinni form. Hypocrites are demons in human form. Said Nursi calls them "deceitful demons." They are miserable creatures and they elevate the spiritual status of Muslims in heaven. Most significantelevation in status happens by means of hypocrites.

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