Top 5 Most Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies

2017-10-26 4

Did you know that Katy Perry and Madonna are allegedly part of the Illuminati? Here are five of the top mysterious real life secret societies and organizations ever in the history of the world. Find out more about the conspiracy theories surrounding these scary groups and how they influenced politics on earth. Illuminati, Skull and Bonus, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Bilderberg group, they may be responsible for the new world order and some of the weirdest attacks in history, like the shooting of JFK and John Lennon . \r
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Bilderberg - Oosterbeek.jpg By Michiel1972 - Own work, GFDL\r
Square compasses.svg By MesserWoland - own workThis vector image was created with Inkscape., CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Palazzo Roffia, galleria 00.JPG By I, Sailko, CC BY 2.5\r
Washington Masonic print.jpg By Unknown artist - eBay, Public Domain\r
Freemasons Hall, London.JPG By Eluveitie - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Microcosm of London Plate 038 - Freemasons Hall (tone).jpg By Thomas Rowlandson (1756–1827) and Augustus Charles Pugin (1762–1832) (after) John Bluck (fl. 1791–1819), Joseph Constantine Stadler (fl. 1780–1812), Thomas Sutherland (1785–1838), J. Hill, and Harraden (aquatint engravers)[1] - File:Microcosm of London Plate 038 - Freemasons Hall.jpg, Public Domain\r
Freimaurer Initiation.jpg By User:Liberal Freemason - Public Domain\r
Templo masónico histórico, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, new-12-15, DD 03.jpg By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-W1028-507, Erlangen, Freimaurer bei Zeremonie.jpg By Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-W1028-507 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de\r
Templeofrosycross.png By T. Schweighart - T. Schweighart, Speculum sophicum Rhodostauroticum (1604), Public Domain\r
HermesTrismegistusCauc.jpg By user:Tomisti - [1], Public Domain\r
Fama.jpg CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Prosphil.jpg Public Domain\r
Bijou fm 18eme.jpg By Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Maksim. The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia. - Personal Photo by user Cro-maat @fr.Wikipedia; Cro-maats authorization into GFDL: CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Centro de Estudios Rosacruz - Zaragoza.png By Pampuco - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0\r
Adam Weishaupt01.jpg Public Domain\r
Minerval insignia.png By Okänt, Public Domain\r
Knigge Freiherr.jpg By Users, AxelHH on de.wikipedia, Public Domain\r
Eye reasonably small 400x400.jpg By Kyle Swope - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0\r
Bones logo.jpg By Unknown - 來源:耶魯大學檔案館, Public Domain\r
Skull and Bones Kingsley.jpg By Unknown - Kingsley, William L. , ed. (1879) Yale College, a Sketch of Its History, 2, New York City: Henry Holt & Co., no. 2, p. 364, Public Domain\r
Yale Skull and Bones facade from angle.JPG By BoolaBoola2 - the English language Wikipedia (log) \r
Skull and Bones Class of 1920.jpg By Yale Banner (reprinting list from Skull and Bones) - Yale University Manuscripts & Archives Digital Images Database [1], Public Domain\r
Franz Xaver von Zwack.jpg By Unknown, Public Domain\r
Schild-Illuminatenorden IN 2.JPG By Mattes - :Bild:Schild-Illuminatenorden_IN.JPG, Public Domain\r
C.sf., castelli, carmine gentile, ovale con allegoria dellaccademia degli illuminati, 1730-1750.JPG By I, Sailko, CC BY 2.5\r
Rose Cross Lamen.svg By Fuzzypeg - Created by Fuzzypeg using Inkscape, Public Domain\r
Emblème Rose Croix Max Heindel.jpg By Gabriel.Falcon - Rosicrucian fellowship (altered version of symbol originally by Max Heindel, who died 1919, and so in public domain), Public Domain\r
Magister Prior Adept.jpg By Rosenkreuzer - Roy Eif, CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Testamento RCO.jpg By FraterSA - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0\r
Roode Steen 15, Hoorn.JPG By Dqfn13 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0\r
17101.gif By Unknown - According to Manley P. Halls Secret Teachings of All Ages, this is from the 18th-century work Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer. Public Domain\r
Conspiracy theorists are right about 1 thing: secret societies do exist and they are pretty scary! Watch your back, your neighbor might be one of them!\r
We start off our top five list with the Freemasons which youve already heard about if youve seen National Treasure, or the Da Vinci Code. They are the secret society that discovered a huge treasure and hid it in historical monuments around the United States. Keep watching if you want to know what they really do…\r
Number 5\r
The Freemasons \r
Did you know that the Masons ually faked the moonlanding?